lunedì 10 maggio 2010


Ah, that’s Bryan, or as the whole world knows him: THE Bryanboy! One of my
close friends… We had some great lunch together at the Rinascente in Milan;
I’m terribly sad that he had to return to the states for some shooting, it
was so much fun having him here in Milan. In the upcoming days, I might tell
you about the fun we had at Plastic, PWP and other night-clubs together!

Eccolo Bryan!!!
Come lo conosce tutto il mondo: Bryanboy!
Uno dei miei amici carissimi…
Abbiamo pranzato insieme alla Rinascente a Milano; sono davvero tristissimo
perchè doveva ritornare in America per uno shooting, era troppo divertente
averlo a Milano.
Nei prossimi giorni, vi racconto come ci siamo divertiti a Milano!!!!

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